What Is It To Be Human?

Is There an Objective to the Game of Life?

Klaus Issler, PhD

The life we live is inseparable from what we believe is the meaning of life, what we believe it means to be human, and what we believe it means to “live well.” As a scholar, educator, and philosopher, Klaus Issler has devoted a lifetime to the study and pursuit of a life lived wisely. In What Does it Mean to be Human? Klaus presents life as the ultimate game and explains how to play it accordingly. Life is a game to be enjoyed, but it’s also a game that can be won.


About the Author

Klaus Issler has a Ph.D. in education from Michigan State University, an M.A. from University of Cali¬fornia at Riverside, and a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has written various books, including The Lost Virtue of Happiness with J. P. Moreland, How We Learn, Jesus, Money, and Work, and co-edited Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective. His articles have appeared American National Biography, and in such journals as Philosophi Christi, Journal of Moral Education, Journal of Markets and Morality, and Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. He is Emeritus Professor of Educational Studies and Theology at Biola University. He and his wife Beth live in Colorado near family.

Klaus Issler, PhD

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