
A Personal Response to LGBTQ

Linda A. Seiler, PhD

The reigning views of gender, sex, morality, and marriage are the views of LGBTQ, of which dissent is unthinkable. Dr. Linda Seiler dissents, speaking from her own experience as a “man trapped in a female body.” Though virtually outlawed, this is the alternative viewpoint, the dissenting viewpoint, the Christian viewpoint, and it deserves to be heard because it is resonantly true—true to experience as much as it’s true to Scripture. Linda repudiates an approach to transgenderism that is accommodating, coercive, affirming, or condemning, but speaks instead to the freedom found in spiritual transformation. Besides the personal journey of Linda, the essay provides a primer on the issues and the science of transgenderism.


About the Author

LINDA A. SEILER is an ordained Assemblies of God minister, Linda led a team to pioneer Chi Alpha(XA) at Purdue University in 2007, where she served as XA director for 13 years before transitioning into her current assignment as a National XA Field Specialist in Applied Theology and Culture and appointment as Executive Director of ReStory Ministries. She earned a PhD from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary(2020) with her dissertation investigating thirty case studies of men and women who were once same-sex attracted and have experienced transformation. Her book, Trans-Formation: A Former Transgender Responds to LGBTQ, draws from her academic research and her own eleven-year journey out of transgender desires and same-sex attractions, written to equip Christian leaders, concerned parents, or conflicted adults with a theological, scientific, and restorative response to LGBTQ

Linda A. Seiler, PhD

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