Is Relativism Absolutely True?

Why "Your Truth/My Truth" Thinking is Inconsistent, Selective, & Unlivable

Paul Copan, PhD

In bringing clarity to hard-to-pin-down concepts like truth, reality, knowledge, and morality, Paul Copan shows relativism to be—fundamentally— a problem of authority. The relativist doesn’t accept any external authority or any authority statements about truth, morality, or God, but the relativist acts as her own authority. As it turns out, taking an authoritative stance on truth, morality, and God is inescapable. The question is: who turns out to be the most reliable source of authority?


About the Author

Paul Copan (Ph.D., philosophy, Marquette University) is the Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University (Florida). He has authored or edited over forty books, both popular-level and scholarly. His books include: True for You, But Not for Me, Is God a Moral Monster? Understanding the Old Testament God, and its successor volume Is God a Vindictive Bully? Reconciling Portrayals of God in the Old and New Testaments. He has served as President of the Evangelical Philosophical Society and has been a Visiting Scholar at Oxford University. He and his wife Jacqueline have six children. His website is

Paul Copan, PhD

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